
Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Give me an audience...
 Just for a minute.
See what I have to say won't take long...
Short and sweet it will definitely hit home.

Some put their faith in chariots and many tangible material things...
Some think they're good enough to stand on their own two feet,giving themselves praises for all their accomplishments...

 But I only have one higher being I give praises & honor..
One Messiah whom I gladly bow down to & lift my hands in humble adoration.
See... I'm a born again spirit filled young world changing Christian.
 I am born of the flesh and raised by the Spirit.
My life is a wonder unto many because He who lives in me is the same yesterday,today and forever.

I may have been deemed unworthy in the eyes of the world but the fact that my name is written on the palm of His hands comforted me and because He knows the number of hairs on my head,I know I am special.

 Some may rely on positive thinking for good vibe creating
But I know that the joy of the Lord is my strength... I am catapulted from one level of glory to the next.
I have a holy ghost party no need to get drunk to turn up.

So if it wasn't made clear... let me tell you where I stand.
I am a Jesus Ambassador... the same Jesus that many people regard as normal.
I fly my Christian flag with pride and I nae nae to whatever my tongues bubble out as i soak  in prayer.

I am Ayoola Mé

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