
Thursday, 25 December 2014

Conversations With You: Lwazi Mahlangu

Caterpillars & Snakes
Who said we can't be great?
Who said we can't make love to our notebooks with our pens.
Who said we can't paint the town red,blue whatever colour ink that the pen we use that day blurts out that day?

I'm grateful for our late night chats,
From the days we did 1000 words for a special friend,
To the days we used up night shift then airtime,
To the morning check ups in the school corridors

Uncle Dandelion...
I'll keep it short.

You know it's real.

Ayoola Mè

Why you no listen

There's no way a devil can be friends with you and give you peace...
That's what we're dealing with here.
You've simply become the unimaginable,
A beast,
Six horns... three eyes or is it
Six eyes... three horn?

You're a walking hell,
I have no idea how to turn your fire down.

I made a vow.
The days you were my sent from heaven,
My all things good,
To be your one and only forever
But you never told me that heaven had off days and hell took over,
I don't know you.

I mean to the outside world we look good,
Like Bey and Jay kinda Kim and Kanye
But behind closed doors,
I see lucifer taking the throne.

There's no way a devil can be friends with you and give you peace.

I learnt the hard way that mama was right when she said I must pick my bae right.
She told me to say a prayer,
You know tell the Lord who I want but no...
I thought I was smart... Mr know-it-all(Female version though)
Now I'm stuck but hey the Lord forgives right?

I'll do better next time I promise.

Ayoola Mè

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Conversations With You: Wade Scobbie

Live Your Life
The Muffinz playing in the background,
Conversation about how white boys are heartless and how high school must end.
It was 1 a.m. and I guess in the midst of fatigue,annoyance and drowsiness a friendship was birthed.

You're the only person whom I shared some of the big things I wanted to achieve and didn't call me crazy.
The endless chats about restaurant openings,
Manchester managings,
My talks about becoming SOMEONE,
Pushing yourself till you succeed,
LIVING LIFE to the fullest.

Thank you,
For giving me a platform to make known my abilities.
For teaching me how to relax,
For looking forward to the future as much as I did making me feel like I wasn't crazy for wanting "the next" not "the now"'.

You're a winner in my eyes.

Ayoola Mè 

Monday, 15 December 2014

Conversations With You : Katleho Tsolo

Peace of mind
Colour to a dull world,
Peace to what seems like a continuous storm,
Life to dead situations...

You Are Perfection
In every sense of the word...
You light up the room with your smile and very red lips.
You make everything a laughable matter even if it's meant to be serious,
You're a light hearted-spirit filled-funky full monk in motion.

Sea This
I swear I wouldn't have survived grade 11 Maths,
The hardships of Matric,
The confusion of artistry,
Relationship traumas,
High school drama...

Thank you Sensei 
Perfection In Human Form

Ayoola Mè

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Conversations with You: Sheron

Red Lipstic... Black Dress

Our first encounter was an out of the blue one. You had read some of my work online and were now telling me how much you admired it and me as well. I was taken aback to be honest,I'm not used to getting compliments,especially from strangers but you.. you were a different kind of stranger,one that I knew was a part of this puzzle called my life,you were an additional piece.

"Shezzy babe", I suck at giving nicknames but somehow that was perfect. I realised through multiple messaging and endless conversations that your level of maturity was one to be admired and when I met you for the first time you wore red lipstick... and a black dress, that stole my heart. The way you spoke,so authentic,so poetic,everything flowed out of your mouth with such ease. I was "DAMN and I call myself a poet", your level of arty was too high to ever reach. From then on it was easy to relate to you after that.

From you I learnt the art of mission searching. Why am I here? What am I meant to do? You somehow steer me in the right direction when looking for my set path,I love you for that.You encourage me,love me,look out for me,you're the one.

This is why I look forward to conversations with you.

Ayoola Mè